Tuesday, March 20, 2007

No turning back now!

Hey all.....just a brief notice...check out the following blog and the comments.


Mia is a fantastic adoption advocate that I met through signing up for membership with The Adoption Forum (http://www.adoptionforum.org/) and I have been reading her blog. Well, the idea that I've held inside for some time now just mysteriously came out of me this morning while commenting to her blog and it's getting legs under it....FAST! Within 10 minutes I received an email from somebody else wanting to participate.

I have a very rough demo of a song (wrote it this morning/afternoon) and am looking to call on some colleagues to make it into the song we need and the song that it can be.

If you know of anyone who would be interested in this project (you have to read Mia's blog...too long to re-type), please email me or Mia. We're doing this...no doubt about and no turning back now!

(P.S. thank you to the Free Hugs Campaign video for the inspiration!)

...to be continued.


Anonymous said...

We have post it notes all over our house now filled with ideas. lol
I'm loving it.

Ungrateful Little Bastard said...

Holy Smokes

I am so glad I couldn't sleep tonight and saw your comment.

Yes! Yes! A million times yes!

I'm in NY but no matter where you start this project, I will do my best to be there and hold a sign.

I am so overwhelemed all I can do is scream YES. Which is a very rude thing to do at 3:30 AM when everyone else is asleep.

Anonymous said...

ULB you are so entirely fabulous!!!

Details soon!

Possum said...

You and Mia are just amazing.
We have open records here in OZ - but if I can help in any way from Down Under - you know you can count me in.
Poss. xx