Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Eckhart and Oprah - A New Earth

First, thank you Oprah and Eckhart! The message that you are bringing to the world at large is simply wonderful and the collective energy will surely rise.

Second, to everyone "complaining...," 242 Gbps traveled through the internet last night....all across the world! That's incredible! And has not been done before. Regardless of the issues some may have experienced (as I did), this has pushed the envelope for the tech industry and will have an effect on SOOOO much more of how our world is connected.

Has anyone stopped to reflect that this is (as far as I know) the first time in our planet's history that a message has been communicated to a significantly large portion of the population of the WORLD at the same moment? There have been great teachings all across our world by a number of great teachers throughout the planet's history but they've all been limited to "group size" at that moment of presenting their message. I'm not sure if I am describing this well enough but the collective effect of this is beyond scope. This was a positive message for the greater good of humanity that was delivered ALL ACROSS the world at the same moment by messengers....not interpreted or redistributed by others and passed on thus possibly experiencing the he said/she said effect.

This was undeniably a HUGE advancement in our world culture and I am just so thankful to have been apart of it, to been aware of it and to be excited about what may come of it! It's as if we were working towards awareness that we ARE ONE and OF the Earth.

Thank you!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Incredible podcast. He is comfortable, like a favorite pair of jeans. Just feels right.